
20/11/2011 17:12

Sunday Bulletin 20th November

NOVEMBER EVEING MASSES Please remember that during the month of November there will be Mass said each evening, Monday to Friday at 7pm for our Holy Souls. This gives everyone a chance to pray for deceased family and friends.   PARISH FINANCE May I sincerly thank each and everyone of...
13/11/2011 14:43

Sunday Bulletin 13th November

CHILDREN'S LITURGY We are delighted to announce that our childrens liturgy will begin on the First Sunday of Advent, 27th November 2011 at the 11.00 a.m Mass. We invite all our parish children aged 4 to 8 years to come along. Our catechists will gather the children as Mass begins, they will be...
06/11/2011 21:16

Sunday Bulletin 6th November

EVENING MASSES IN NOVEMBER Mass will be celebrated each weekday eveing (Monday to Friday) during November for all our Holy Souls and those named on the November lists. You can hand your list in at any time up until the end of November.   PARISH FINANCE A sincere thank you to everyone...
30/10/2011 14:11

Sunday Bulletin 30th October

THE NEW MASS TRANSLATION The Communion Rite This Rite starts with The Lords Prayer which rightly, given its authorship, remains unchanged but next week we will look at why the new translation of the exhortation for “protection from all anxiety” has been changed to the more meaningful “…safe...
24/10/2011 15:39

Parish Finance

PARISH FINANCE As you know the parish has an obligation to support the Archdiocese and the wider church throughout Scotland through our support of the Bishops conference (the term used for all the Scottish Bishops acting together). This year our support levy for the Bishops conference has...
22/10/2011 15:31

Sunday Bulletin 23rd October.

THE NEW MASS TRANSLATION The Mystery of Faith Midway through the Eucharistic prayer the priest has been inviting you to proclaim the Mystery of faith, and you have responded with one of four acclamations. These were adapted from the original three Latin ones. The new translation provides for...
02/10/2011 09:21

Bulletin 27th Sunday Of The Year

PASTORAL VISIT Archbishop Mario would like to thank all parishioners for the warm welcome extended to him last Sunday. Fr. Frank thanks all who joined with him at his Mass of Induction and asks for your continuing prayers for both himself and Fr. Anthony that they may serve the parish in...
26/09/2011 19:09

Special Article

METAL THEFTS Almost every church in the West of Scotland has suffered from this. St. Ninian’s has been targeted twice. The police are now seeing a rise in household burglaries where the sole target is metal ( Pipes, boilers, garden gates etc.). The cost of repairing the damage to churches is...
25/09/2011 18:57

Bulletin 26th Sunday Of The Year

RCIA Do you know of anyone interested in the Catholic Faith? The rite of Christian Initiation of Adults course (RCIA) meets on Sundays at 4 pm. In the church house. Anyone interested should come along or speak with Sr. Rose, Fr. Frank or Fr. Anthony.     AGAP THEATRE:...
17/09/2011 17:09

Bulletin 25th Sunday Of The Year

PASTORAL VISIT Archbishop Mario will visit the parish next Sunday 25th September. He will celebrate the 12.15 Mass during which the Archbishop will formally install Fr. Frank as our parish priest.     THE NEW MASS TRANSLATION POSTURE The second change of posture is at the...

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St Ninian's St. Ninian's Church
5 Baldwin Avenue
G13 2EE
0141 959 1308