Bulletin 25th Sunday Of The Year
Archbishop Mario will visit the parish next Sunday 25th September.
He will celebrate the 12.15 Mass during which the Archbishop will formally install Fr. Frank as our parish priest.
The second change of posture is at the prayer after Communion when we currently kneel. As the priest says “ Let us pray” we should now stand and remain standing until the end of Mass.
If there are announcements to be made we should sit for them then resume a standing posture for the blessing.
Standing sitting and kneeling contribute to prayer in different ways.
Standing, expresses a reverence for God just as we would stand to greet an important visitor and shows a readiness to respond or to set out on a journey.
Sitting expresses our desire to listen, reflect and meditate as we ponder Gods word. By kneeling we make ourselves small in the presence of God’s greatness and show a recognition of our dependence on his Grace.
We adopt a common posture during Mass rather than doing as we wish to show the unity of the members of the Church gathered in prayer.
Do you know of anyone interested in the Catholic Faith? The rite of Christian Initiation of Adults course (RCIA) will begin again this Sunday 18th September at 4 pm. In the church house. Anyone interested should come along or speak with Sr. Rose, Fr. Frank or Fr. Anthony
Any of our parents, and those with catechetical skills who would like to help form a 'Children’s Liturgy Team' are asked to speak to Fr. Frank or Fr. Anthony.
A cheque for £ 11,233.59 was received by the parish last week from the Inland Revenue as repayment of the tax that parishioners who had signed a Gift Aid form had paid on their offertory donations in the last 6 months.
This is a simple way to enhance your support of the church at no additional cost to yourself
Anyone who pays tax on wages or pension can ask for that tax to be given back to the church. Details or more information is available after any Mass.
The magnificent sum of £1,117.10 was donated to parishes in need from last weeks retiring collection.
I thank you for your generosity.
Would you like to have the privilege of reading once every three weeks at one of the Sunday Masses or at other intervals at a weekday Mass ?
Please speak to Fr. Frank or Fr. Anthony.
Vincentians in Partnership invite you to join the annual Thanksgiving Vincentian Family Mass 0n Saturday 24th September, at Carfin Grotto.
All are welcome and anyone interested in going should contact Joe McGuire 0141 576 8990 for more details.
St. Ninian's Church
5 Baldwin Avenue
G13 2EE
0141 959 1308