Bulletin 27th Sunday Of The Year
Archbishop Mario would like to thank all parishioners for the warm welcome extended to him last Sunday.
Fr. Frank thanks all who joined with him at his Mass of Induction and asks for your continuing prayers for both himself and Fr. Anthony that they may serve the parish in fidelity, humility and joy.
THE NEW MASS TRANSLATION The Eucharistic Acclamations
In future there will only be three available. Introduced by a much shorter statement from the priest.
In response to “The mystery of Faith”
The congregation will reply
1) We proclaim your Death O Lord, and profess your resurrection until you come again.
2) When we eat this bread and drink this cup, we proclaim your death O Lord until you come again.
3) Save us, Saviour of the world, for by your cross and resurrection you have set us free.
This Sacrament will be celebrated on Monday 14th November 2011 at 7.00 pm for our primary4 schoolchildren. Parents of all primary4 children are asked to come to a registration meeting in the parish hall on Monday 10th October 2011.
Please keep the children in your prayers.
The OCTOBER EDITION OF FLOURISH is on sale in the stall. Please support, there is very good reading/information in our Catholic papers.
The program for ARCHDIOCESAN FAITH DEVELOPMENT is on a booklet in the porch of the Church.
We welcome to Scotland Fr. Richard McAlear OMI who’s ministry has its focus on Healing and Forgiveness. Fr. will celebrate the 5pm Mass next Sunday in St. Ninian’s and invites you to take this opportunity to benefit from his gifts of teaching and healing at this Mass.
Details of other venues and dates are on the poster in the porch of the Church.
St. Ninian's Church
5 Baldwin Avenue
G13 2EE
0141 959 1308