Bulletin 23rd Sunday Of The Year
The Archbishop will visit our parish on Sunday 25th September 2011. He will celebrate the 12.15 Mass during which the Archbishop will formally install Fr. Balmer as our parish priest.
The new translation of the Roman Missal in its entirety will be used by the 1st Sunday in December throughout the English speaking world. However in order to assist us in welcoming the New Missal, the Scottish Bishops have decided to introduce the parts of the Mass which are said by the priest and people ( or by the people alone) this Sunday (4th September 2011).
In order to make the transition as smooth as possible, cards are provided at every Mass so that all may join in with the prayers. Please leave the cards at the back of the church after Mass. Thank you.
Fr. Peter Griffiths SJ will give a series of eight talks on Wednesdays beginning on 14th September 2011 at 7.30 in the Ogilvie Centre Auditorium as a means of looking more deeply at the Mass and its spiritual treasures which may have become undervalued with time.
The PARISH CHOIR will resume on Tuesday 6th September 2011 at 7pm in the church.
More information can be obtained from Andrew on 0141 563 7623.
Next weekend we begin our forty hours adoration at 1.30pm ( after baptisms). Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament will continue until 4.30 p.m. Fr. Peter Dowling(SSS)Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament will lead us in a Holy Hour of prayer on Monday 12th September and Tuesday 13th September 2011 at 7.00 p.m.
We are holding a jumble / nearly new sale on Saturday 8th October 2011. If you are able to help with this event please make yourself known.
Donations of items for sale in a good/clean condition will be welcomed. Thank you.
St. Ninian's Church
5 Baldwin Avenue
G13 2EE
0141 959 1308