Sunday Bulletin 13th November
We are delighted to announce that our childrens liturgy will begin on the First Sunday of Advent, 27th November 2011 at the 11.00 a.m Mass. We invite all our parish children aged 4 to 8 years to come along. Our catechists will gather the children as Mass begins, they will be welcomed by the priest celebrant and process into the parish hall where the word of God will be broken for them. The children will return in time to lead the offertory process, bringing also the gift of themselves and their work before returning to their families. We thank our children's Liturgy Team for their enthusiasm. We would ask that our parents who would like their children to join the children's Liturgy give their names to either Father Frank or Father Anthony, so that we are able to plan our resources in advance.
Our sincere thanks to all our parishioners for your continued generosity, it is most appreciated. Next weekend an appeal will be made by Sister Dorothy Beveridge of the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary, which is our parish contribution towards the annual Deanery Mission Appeal. My apologies for a successive appeal at such short notice.
We are seeking young people, Primary 7 and older, to assist with readings, prayers and if intrested some singing at the Parish Advent Carol Service which will take place on the evening of Tuesday 20th December 2011, at 7 p.m. If intrested please speak to Father Frank or Father Anthony or come along to choir for the Advent and Christmas Seasons. This would be a good time to join us. All will be made welcome. Come along to the weekly practise on Tuesday evenings in the church.
Many thanks to our young parishioners, Christopher, Maria, Amy and Rachel who come along to our meeting on Monday evenings, Father Frank and Rachel Romain will organise a follow up evening at a date which suits in January.
A special thanks to John Oliver and everyone concerned for a great night last Saturday were we raise the most generous sum of £1,250 towards our parish hall restoration.
The programme for Advent is available in the Church porch.
St. Ninian's Church
5 Baldwin Avenue
G13 2EE
0141 959 1308