Sunday Bulletin 30th October
The Communion Rite
This Rite starts with The Lords Prayer which rightly, given its authorship, remains unchanged but next week we will look at why the new translation of the exhortation for “protection from all anxiety” has been changed to the more meaningful “…safe from all distress” as The Lord’s Prayer concerns the circumstances that cause distress and not the inferior feeling of anxiety.
SACRAMENT OF CONFIRMATION will be celebrated on Monday 14th November 2011 at 7.00 pm, for our P4 schoolchildren.
Please keep the children in your prayers. Parish chatechesis classes will continue after the 10 O’clock Mass from 10.30 till 11.30 continuing on Saturdays 5th and 12th November.
Saturday 5th November 2011 in Olivers Function suite Drumchapel Road, tickets are £5.00 and are now available after Masses or by contacting Joe Higgins on 077229 59367 and include a finger buffet. This dance is being run to honour a promise made to the late Monsignor Gallagher to have such an event to enable work to be done on the hall. It is a great opportunity for the parish to come together for an enjoyable evening.
If you are unable to attend but would like to donate a raffle prize it would be most welcome.
November lists are available in the porch and can be returned to the box provided, to the sacristy, or posted through the house letter box. Mass will be offered each day during November for those named on the November Lists which can be handed in at any time during the month.
Although there is no requirement to include a stipend for clergy it is a welcome tradition and I give you my sincere thanks for your continuing support. It is the one stipend in the year that priests are allowed to retain for personal expenses.
This will be offered in St. Agnes’ Church Lambhill at 3.00 pm on Sunday 6th November 2011 for the faithful departed, whose final committals took place in St. Kentigern’s ,the Western Necropolis or Lambhill cemeteries or at Glasgow Crematorium.
Parish Finance
Last weeks retiring collection raised £2180 for Mission and a cheque for this amount has been sent to them to support the work of the missions. Please continue to remember all who work in the missions in your prayers.
In addition £420 has been received in the Autumn quarterly collection donations over the month of October for which I thank you.
The call to evangelisation will be led by Fr. Tom Kilbride on Thursday 17th November 2011, 7.30 to 8.30 also Educating the Saints of the 21st century… The bigger picture led by Barbara Campbell on Wednesday 16th November 2011 repeated Thursday 17th November from 7.30 to 8.30, in the Archdiocesan Offices 196 Clyde St.
Booking through re@rcag.org.uk or call 0141 226 5898.
There will be a meeting for all who have offered to help organise a children’s liturgy at 11Am Sunday Masses. The meeting will take place on Thursday 10th November at 7.15 pm in the church house.
St. Aloysius’ College will be hosting an Open Evening on Thursday 10th November at 7pm Starting with a talk by the Head Teacher, followed by an opportunity to meet staff and pupils www.staloysius.org
St. Ninian's Church
5 Baldwin Avenue
G13 2EE
0141 959 1308