Baptisms and Marriages
They should be arranged by contacting the priest after any Mass.
When someone belonging to you dies you should inform the priest of their parish immediately. Sometimes parishioners go first to a funeral director, and the first we know of it is when the undertaker contacts the church. this is the wrong way to inform us.
We are only too glad to help in arranging funerals and together with the undertaker can give advice that can save the hardship of a prolonged wait for a funeral to take place.
It is very important that you inform the clergy if you or a family member are about to go into hospital as changes in NHS rules mean that hospital chaplains are no longer informed of catholic admissions. You should ask the ward sister to inform the hospital chaplain of your presence.
Sacrament of the sick
The priest will attend to the sick at any time but would appreciate knowing that someone is ill at an early stage rather than the last minute. Please let the priest know if there is a long=term illness within your family home - the Sacrament if the sick can give great spiritual comfort at such times.
When a priest administers the Sacrament of the Sick, he prays for the sick person and anoints them with the Holy Oil of the Sick. This Sacrament is for those who are sick - it is usually administered to someone who has a serious illness or is undergoing a serious operation. It does not mean that a person is dying!
If someone is going into hospital for surgery or long-term treatment they should notify their parish priest and receive the Sacrament of the Sick beforehand. People who are housebound through illness or age should ask for the priest to attend them or send a Eucharistic Minister at regular intervals.
St. Ninian's Church
5 Baldwin Avenue
G13 2EE
0141 959 1308